Giving Back with TropiClean: Landon’s Story

We have the unique privilege and opportunity to partner with a number of different organizations that impact people and pets around the world. Every day we are able to come to work knowing that through the generous support from TropiClean fans like you, who purchase our products, we are all able to impact many around with world providing a better life. Though our company was built on this simple mission to use the success of our products, no matter how big or small, to help the poor around the world for the Glory of God, we have often forgotten to share those stories with you. After all, it is your support that is making stories like the one I will share with you today possible.

I would love to share with you one of these stories from here in St. Louis, Missouri. Years ago, a couple came to TropiClean asking for help to get a service dog for their son Landon, who has Down Syndrome. Here is an amazing story about Landon and his new best friend.

“One morning, after watching a news story that aired about a child with special abilities who had been paired with a service dog, we began researching how this might impact our son’s life. Despite research that had demonstrated countless benefits from service dogs in children with special abilities, Down Syndrome was not among the covered diagnoses for any support groups associated with service dogs.

This was very disheartening because we feel that Down Syndrome does not define Landon. We also felt that he deserved to benefit from a service dog like many other kids were doing. We began to seek out a facility that shared our vision of pairing service dogs with any child with a special ability that could benefit from their companionship.

After learning how costly service dogs are, we decided that our rural community could benefit from an organization that could help make this dream a reality. Landon’s Helping Paws was then created out of this strong desire to pair services dogs with kids who have special abilities.

Landon and Raja were paired in October of 2011. We have been able to watch this bond grow and feel that this is a testament to our organization’s success.” — Lance and Leslie Lomax

Landon’s Helping Paws Mission

“Landon’s Helping Paws, Inc. feels that any special abled child who could benefit from a service dog should have the opportunity to be paired with one. We are here to help make this dream a reality; one child and four paws at a time.”

Guiding Verses

“I praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Wonderful are your works; my soul knows it very well.” – Psalms 139:14

“With God All Things Are Possible” – Matthew 19:26.

More Information

If you would like to become part of the Landon’s Helping Paws family  log onto

Thank you for your support and for enjoying our products. It is because of your support that we can enjoy sharing stories like Landon’s with you.

Derrik Kasseubam, Owner & VP of Sales, TropiClean

TropiClean’s Mission

TropiClean strives to perpetually innovate the finest products, packaging, marketing, and management in the pet industry; for the enrichment of pet owners, provision of its employees and the poor around the globe, all to the glory of God.