Wonderful Benefits of Coconut
Let's Go

The Power of Coconut

Pet parents are educated on what is new, what are the best ingredients and the newest trends evolving around the pet industry. Some trends can come and go just like an older cat’s interest in playing with you. Yet, there are trends that pop up each year that pet parents can’t deny joining the movement. An example of this would be the Going Green movement. What started out as a trend shortly swayed into a necessity, and if your product didn’t say “green” then most pet parents wouldn’t even consider trying it.

As the pet industry grows, so do all the new innovative products, concepts and ingredients to use. The coconut is raising awareness on all levels, proving to be a powerhouse ingredient that pet parents can’t deny.

According to the coconut research center [2], coconut oil has been described as “the healthiest oil on earth”. That’s a bold statement, but here’s some reason’s to back it up.

  • Improves Skin Issues (burns, eczema, dandruff, dermatitis, and psoriasis)
  • Reduces Inflammation and Arthritis
  • Immune System Boost (antibacterial, anti-fungal, and anti-viral)
  • Heals Infections. [3]

The list goes on, and the benefits of using coconut extracts and oils start to sound undeniable. For pet parents, this is a worthy ingredient to use on our furry friends. Manufacturers and retailers should notice this ingredient too.

We here at TropiClean Pet Products understand. We’ve been using coconut in our products for years. We’ve continued that tradition in some of our newest editions to the family such as our Life by TropiClean supplements for dogs, which is enriched with what ingredient? Coconut. Check out ingredient page on our website www.tropiclean.com to grasp the coconut concept. Don’t take just our word for it, check out this wonderful article from Dogster Magazines, Lucky Puppy [1], describing the benefits of using coconut oil/extracts on our pets.


[1] Reference Article: How Coconut Oil Can Give Your Pet A Health Boost

[2] The http://coconutresearchcenter.org provides great studies on the fruit and oils.

[3] https://.organicfacts.net/health-benefits/oils/health-benefits-of-coconut-oil.html