Is it a coincidence that International Day of Happiness (Mar. 20) and National Puppy Day (Mar. 23) are so close together? We think not! People who celebrate the International Day of Happiness obviously want to keep that good feeling going, and what better way to do so, then to welcome a new furry friend to their family!
Here are 5 fun reasons why we love puppies with GIF’s:
They are irresistibly CUTE!
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They fall asleep about anywhere
They are playful and full of energy
They sure are cuddly
And downright awesome
Puppies can be cute and adorable, but require a lot of responsibility. If you’re thinking of becoming a dog parent, make sure that you can take on the task. TropiClean can’t prepare you for everything, but we sure can offer some great products that help. Check out our Puppy Oral Care Products and our Gentle Hypoallergenic Shampoo for your cute new family member.
Now that your heart is full and your mind is thinking of puppies…we can’t forget that March 28th is Respect your Cat Day. Coincidence? We think not.